Storefront For Art and Architecture
2015 Storefront TV Season
June 9: O Me! O Life!
By Samuel Jablon
Participants: Samuel Jablon, Yuko Otomo, Steve Dalachinsky, Bob Holman, Sophie Malleret, Monica Carrillo, Di Fang, Andrew Telichan
The poetry will be made/taken from advertisements. This performance will highlight the shared experience of navigating NYC. Poetry is the language of architecture, it is created from words that cover the sides of buildings. Street signs, announcements, and Traffic lights direct us; they are the rules for how we navigate public space. They lead us to locations where we are bombarded by advertisements. The performance will counteract the ads by offering a space to create an exchange. An exchange that is not commercial. The exchange will experiment with poetry and how useless it is. No one needs poetry, and that is what is fabulous about it.
Samuel Jablon, Yuko Otomo, Steve Dalachinsky, Bob Holman, Sophie Malleret, Monica Carrillo, Di Fang, Andrew Telichan.